Kincumber Waterfront Walk (5km return)
Kincumber Waterfront Walk (5km return)
Elevation change: Up 10m, Down 10m (Very Flat Walk)
Elevation change: Up 10m, Down 10m (Very Flat Walk)
This is a beautiful walk with waterviews, a lovely lookout and a fantastic park for the kids to play at. Ideal for parents with young bubs or anyone who needs a more accessible walk. Also great for bird watching as there is a great variety of birds along the waterfront.
Start at in Davistown near Coomal Avenue, follow the path behind the retirement village East: Google Maps Link
Here is a lovely little playground, Broadwater Park: Google Maps Link
There is a beautiful little Jetty lookout at the end, turn around and go back to the start after this: Google Maps Link
Start of walk (point 2)
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