Wildflowers in the Central Coast
We love bushwalking in the Central Coast and all the stunning wildflowers we see. We feel compelled to look them up and find out a bit more about them. If you are the same, you may like these photos. It is a work in progress with new flowers always being added and it may take a while to find a name, let us know if you know any of the unnamed ones. These have been named using Native Plants of the Sydney Region by Alan Fairly and Philip Moore, as well as using google reverse image search. We love beauty and bushwalks.
It is ordered by colour.
Heath Bansia - banksia erikfolia
Waratah - Telopea
Gymea Lily - Doryanthes excelsa
Red Spider Flower - Grevillea speciosa
Large Wedge Pea - Gompholobium grandiflorum
Pink Bells or Black Eyed Susan - Tetratheca shiressii
Thyme Honey Myrtle - Melaluca thymifolia
Pink Buttons - Kunzea capitata
Pink waxflower - Eriostemon
Pink waxflower - Eriostemon
Sydney Boronia - Boronia Ledifolia - Petals Closed
Sydney Boronia - Boronia Ledifolia - Petals Open - Umina Heights Wildflower Walk
Boronia Thujona - Walk in Kulnura
Native Rose - Boronia Serrulata - Umina Heights Wildflower Walk
Trigger Plant - Stylidium
Long Leafed Westringia - Westringia Longifolia: Strickland Falls Track
Rush Lily, Vanila Plant - Sowerbaea Juncea
Native Iris - Purple Flag: Patersonia
Hardenbergia Violacea - Rumbalara reserve
Mirabelia Rubiifolia - Walk in Kulnura
Nodding Blue Lily - Stypandra glauca
Trailing Lobelia - lobelia gracilis
Hybanthus vernonii
Fringe Lily - Thysanotus virgatus
Fringe Lily - Thysanotus virgatus
Slender Sun Orchid - Thelmitra pauciflora
Slender Sun Orchid - Thelmitra pauciflora
Toothed Daisy Bush - Olearia tomentosa - Strickland Falls walk
Brunoniella australis - blue trumpet or blue yam Emerald Pool Walk
Grey Spider Flower - Gravillea buxifolia
Grasstree - Xanthorrhoea Brunonis - Rumbalara Reserve
Milkmaids - Burchardia umbrellata
Flannel flower - actinotis helianthi
Pastel Flower or Love Flower - Pseuderanthemum variabile
Petrophile pulchella - Conesticks
Conospermum taxifolium