Woy Woy - Lions Park to Blackwall Mountain (3.6km one way 7.2km return)
Elevation change: Up 120m, Down 120m
As an accessible alternative, turn back at the end of the formed path - this is a great pram walk as well, with still, reflective water scenes. It is also a lovely night time walk as well, you can watch the moon reflected in the water.
Start at Lions Park at Woy Woy: -33.48499, 151.33645 Google Maps Link
Turn straight, the formed path ends, continue walking along he grassy waterfront: -33.500478, 151.331531 Google Maps Link
Turn left up the hill in the carpark until you get the road (very steep): -33.501999, 151.336273 Google Maps Link
Cross the road and walk up the hill past the gate: -33.502375, 151.336117 Google Maps Link
Turn Right up the hill: -33.505519, 151.334025 Google Maps Link
Yay! You have reached the top of Blackwall Mountain, head back down the hill: -33.507139, 151.336166 Google Maps Link