Strickland - Cabbage Tree Tack (2.3km)
Strickland - Cabbage Tree Tack (2.3km)
Elevation change: Up 60m, Down 60m
Elevation change: Up 60m, Down 60m
This is a lovely walk short walk to do in strickland if it's been raining a bit and you need that forest calm without worrying too much about leeches because its a bit higher. They will be there if it is a bit too wet, should be ok for a wet day or two before they appear
Start at Baksia Picnic Area, at the end of the picnic area head south or left along the path: -33.3736528195072, 151.32291555404666 Google Maps Link
Turn right back up the hill: -33.375570165777965, 151.32293701171878 Google Maps Link
Turn right back up the hill to the carpark: -33.37321379502175, 151.32124185562137 Google Maps Link