Strickland - Bottom to Top (5km)
Strickland - Bottom to Top (5km)
Elevation change: Up 120m, Down 120m
Elevation change: Up 120m, Down 120m
This my favourite walk in strickland, it crosses some beautiful waterways, several different kinds of bush and gets your heart rate up.
Start at the end bottom of Strickland Forest Road, head to the east of the car park (or to the right as the car has come down the hill): -33.379911, 151.324997 Google Maps Link
Cross the road and head up to Banksia Picnic Area: -33.37169959153029, 151.32154226303103 Google Maps Link
At Baksia Picnic Area, at the end of the picnic area head south or left along the path: -33.3736528195072, 151.32291555404666 Google Maps Link
Turn left down the hill: -33.375570165777965, 151.32293701171878 Google Maps Link
Turn left back towards the carpark -33.37985268377522, 151.3241815567017 Google Maps Link