Strickland Aboriginal Engravings (0.4km)
Strickland Aboriginal Engravings (0.4km)
Elevation change: Up 10m, Down 10m (A very flat walk)
Elevation change: Up 10m, Down 10m (A very flat walk)
Start, Maranoa Street: -33.37146215486437, 151.33400917053223 Google Maps Link
Turn right along a very small and hard to find track: -33.370946959869926, 151.33340835571292 Google Maps Link
Turn Left onto Rain Forest Road and head up the hill: -33.37193702754812, 151.3331776857376 Google Maps Link
Turn Left to a small lookout then head back down the hill, there are two paths, they both end up in the same place: -33.37239845795555, 151.3339447975159 Google Maps Link