Phegans Bay - Elaroo Road Reserve Explore (1.7km)
Phegans Bay - Elaroo Road Reserve Explore (1.7km)
Elevation change: Up 50m, Down 50m
Elevation change: Up 50m, Down 50m
This walk is a small hidden gem with beautiful views of Spion Kop, other water views, a walk along the rocky ridgeline at the top and a walk back through a rainforest area at the bottom.
Start - head into the reserve and veer left up the hill to the ridgeline: -33.484915, 151.310928 Google Maps Link
Continue Straight ahead/ veer to the left: -33.486052, 151.315513 Google Maps Link
You've made it to the end of the reserve - turn around and go back, veer left to explore the lower levels on the way back: -33.484918, 151.315217 Google Maps Link
View of Spion Kop in the middle of Woy Woy Bay