Palm Grove Walk 7km Return
Palm Grove Walk 7km Return
This is a beautiful walk, it has many different types of bush including rainforests and dryer bushland at the top. There are tree orchids, fig trees and lovely palms. This is also a walk that is quite secluded and you can often get away with doing it without seeing other people. There is quite a bit of up and down - leave the day free for the walk. Here is a link to the wildwalks guide which has more historic information on the walk.
Elevation change: Up 310m, Down 310m
Elevation change: Up 310m, Down 310m
Start, (car shuffle from step 2 first) Ourimbah Creek Road: -33.317451, 151.300258 Google Maps Link
The end of Killkenny Road - leave the cars here for the car shuffle: -33.333900, 151.294647 Google Maps Link