Terrigal Apartments

How to calculate yield for an Apartment Building

One of the first things you need to know when considering a site is how many apartments can be built on it, this will help determine if the site is feasible. 


9 storeys and above 12m setback (12-24m separation)

Up to 8 storeys 9m setback (9-18m separation)

Up to 4 storeys 6m setback (6-12m separation)

These are the setbacks to habitable spaces, they are the best to use in feasibility as council often won't accept the non habitable spaces.

3 bed: 120m² (ADG minimum 90m² + 5m² for second bathroom)

2 bed 100m² (ADG minimum 70m² + 5m² for second bathroom)

1 bed 70m² (ADG minimum 50m² + 5m² for second bathroom)

studio 50m² (ADG minimum 30m²  + 5m² for second bathroom)

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These articles are produced with the assistance of Chat GPT, then edited to provide more specific information based on our experience submitting projects.